CompTIA A+ Core 1 Virtualization and Cloud Computing Quiz 1

Which technology allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server?
A) Virtualization
B) Cloud Computing
C) Networking
D) Encryption
What is the primary benefit of using cloud computing for data storage?
A) Physical security
B) Lower bandwidth usage
C) Scalability and accessibility
D) High local storage requirements
Which type of cloud model provides software applications over the internet on a subscription basis?
A) IaaS
B) SaaS
C) PaaS
D) NaaS
What type of virtualization allows a single operating system instance to host multiple user sessions?
A) Server virtualization
B) Desktop virtualization
C) Application virtualization
D) OS virtualization
Which type of hypervisor runs directly on the hardware of a host machine?
A) Type 1 hypervisor
B) Type 2 hypervisor
C) Nested hypervisor
D) Emulator
What is the purpose of a hypervisor in virtualization?
A) To manage cloud services
B) To allocate network resources
C) To manage and run virtual machines
D) To encrypt data
Which cloud model offers the most control over the operating system and hardware?
A) SaaS
B) PaaS
C) IaaS
D) DaaS
Which term refers to the ability to automatically increase or decrease resources as needed in cloud computing?
A) Reliability
B) Scalability
C) Virtualization
D) Deduplication
In cloud computing, what is a 'hybrid cloud'?
A) A cloud environment that uses only private resources
B) A mix of public and private cloud environments
C) A cloud environment with no internet access
D) A backup cloud only
Which service provides virtual desktops over the internet, allowing remote access to a desktop environment?
A) DaaS
B) IaaS
C) SaaS
D) PaaS

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