CompTIA A+ Core 1 Networking Quiz 2

Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for establishing and terminating connections?
A) Application
B) Session
C) Network
D) Transport
What device connects network segments and uses MAC addresses to forward data?
A) Router
B) Switch
C) Modem
D) Access Point
Which port is commonly used by the HTTPS protocol?
A) 25
B) 110
C) 443
D) 80
What is the purpose of a subnet mask in an IP network?
A) Identify the network and host portions of an IP address
B) Identify the gateway address
C) Enable DHCP configuration
D) Encrypt data packets
Which protocol is commonly used for file transfer on the internet?
What is the default gateway in a network configuration?
A) The IP address of the router
B) The IP address of the firewall
C) The IP address of the DNS server
D) The IP address of the DHCP server
What does DNS stand for in networking?
A) Domain Name System
B) Data Network System
C) Direct Name Server
D) Dynamic Name Service
Which cable type is commonly used for high-speed Ethernet connections up to 10 Gbps?
A) Cat 5e
B) Cat 6
C) Cat 3
D) Fiber optic
Which protocol translates domain names to IP addresses?
What kind of IP address is
A) Public
B) Private
C) Static
D) Broadcast
Which type of wireless encryption is considered the most secure for home networks?
D) Open
Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for routing packets across networks?
A) Application
B) Transport
C) Network
D) Data Link
What type of address is a MAC address?
A) IP address
B) Logical address
C) Physical address
D) Subnet address
Which command shows all active connections on a network?
A) ping
B) ipconfig
C) tracert
D) netstat
Which topology has each device connected to every other device on the network?
A) Bus
B) Star
C) Ring
D) Mesh
Which of these protocols provides secure, encrypted remote access to network devices?
C) Telnet
What kind of address is assigned to each device by an ISP to access the internet?
A) Private IP address
B) Loopback address
C) Public IP address
D) MAC address
What device can separate a local network from the internet for security purposes?
A) Switch
B) Router
C) Firewall
D) Hub
Which wireless frequency band is less prone to interference and offers more channels?
A) 2.4 GHz
B) 5 GHz
C) 900 MHz
D) 60 GHz
What is the purpose of port forwarding on a router?
A) To allow internet access to specific devices on a private network
B) To increase download speeds
C) To enable DHCP configuration
D) To monitor network traffic

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