CompTIA A+ Core 1 Mobile Devices Quiz 2

What does IMEI stand for in mobile devices?
A) International Mobile Equipment Identifier
B) Internal Memory Equipment Identification
C) Integrated Mobile Electronic Identifier
D) International Mobile Emergency Identification
Which of the following sensors is commonly used to detect when a mobile phone is close to a user’s face?
A) Accelerometer
B) Gyroscope
C) Proximity sensor
D) Ambient light sensor
What is the purpose of rooting an Android device?
A) To increase screen brightness
B) To gain administrative access
C) To unlock the device’s GPS
D) To reset to factory settings
Which protocol is commonly used by mobile devices for email retrieval?
Which component in mobile devices often uses a GPU?
A) Touchscreen
B) Battery
C) Display rendering
D) Wi-Fi
What is the primary purpose of Mobile Hotspot Tethering?
A) To connect a mobile device to a computer
B) To connect multiple devices to the internet through cellular data
C) To transfer files between devices
D) To charge another device
Which mobile device feature allows voice commands and virtual assistant services?
B) Bluetooth
C) Voice recognition
D) File sharing
Which of these is a major security risk when using public Wi-Fi on a mobile device?
A) Low battery life
B) Bluetooth interference
C) Data interception
D) High data costs
Which of the following is used to manage app permissions in Android devices?
A) Settings
B) File Explorer
C) Security Manager
D) Task Manager
Which term describes a mobile device that can act as a router for other devices to connect to the internet?
A) Repeater
B) Bridge
C) Access Point
D) Hotspot
Which of these file types would you use to install applications on an Android device?
A) .exe
B) .dmg
C) .apk
D) .bat
What is the purpose of a VPN on a mobile device?
A) To increase data speeds
B) To provide secure internet access
C) To manage device settings
D) To block ads
Which of the following features helps to conserve battery life on mobile devices?
A) Adaptive brightness
B) High brightness mode
C) Disabling Wi-Fi
D) Screen rotation lock
What is Airplane Mode primarily used for?
A) To increase data speed
B) To disable wireless communications
C) To conserve battery power
D) To restrict app usage
Which file system format is commonly used on SD cards in mobile devices?
B) ext4
C) FAT32
What is the function of a SIM PIN on mobile devices?
A) To access the device’s settings
B) To secure the SIM card
C) To encrypt storage
D) To enable cellular data
Which mobile operating system typically requires developer mode to sideload apps?
A) iOS
B) Android
C) Windows Mobile
D) Symbian
Which of these wireless standards has the longest range in mobile devices?
A) Bluetooth
B) Wi-Fi
D) Infrared
Which mobile device feature enables secure payments by holding the device near a terminal?
A) Bluetooth
C) Infrared
D) Wi-Fi Direct
Which feature would allow a mobile device to locate itself on a map?
B) Wi-Fi
C) Bluetooth

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