CompTIA A+ Core 1 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting Quiz 2

Which command would you use to trace the route a packet takes to its destination?
A) ping
B) tracert
C) ipconfig
D) nslookup
What might be the issue if a user cannot connect to the internet but can access local network resources?
A) Failed hard drive
B) Incorrect DNS configuration
C) Corrupted display driver
D) Low battery
What is a potential solution if a laptop screen appears dim despite being plugged in?
A) Replace the CPU
B) Adjust the screen brightness settings
C) Reinstall the operating system
D) Disable the firewall
Which tool would be most helpful for diagnosing a faulty power supply?
A) Cable tester
B) Multimeter
C) Loopback plug
D) Network scanner
If a wireless network has intermittent connectivity issues, what should you check first?
A) Firewall settings
B) Wireless signal interference
C) Printer ink levels
D) Computer hard drive
What is the likely cause if a printer prints out garbled text?
A) Low paper levels
B) Corrupted print driver
C) Unplugged monitor cable
D) Faulty network card
If a user cannot hear sound from their computer, what should you check first?
A) Network cable
B) Power supply
C) Volume settings and speaker connection
D) Printer ink levels
Which device might cause network interference if placed too close to a wireless router?
A) USB flash drive
B) Bluetooth speaker
C) External hard drive
D) Optical mouse
What might be the problem if a computer’s screen is blank upon startup, and there are no beep codes?
A) Loose monitor cable or defective monitor
B) Low toner in the printer
C) Overheating CPU
D) Incorrect IP address
Which type of tool can help verify that a network interface card (NIC) is operational?
A) Loopback plug
B) Tone generator
C) Multimeter
D) Cable tester

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