CompTIA A+ Core 1 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting Quiz 1

What is the first step in the CompTIA troubleshooting methodology?
A) Establish a theory of probable cause
B) Identify the problem
C) Document findings
D) Implement the solution
Which tool would you use to test the integrity of a network cable?
A) Multimeter
B) Cable tester
C) Loopback plug
D) Tone generator
What might be the issue if a computer is not booting and emits a series of beeps?
A) Operating system failure
B) Hardware malfunction
C) Network error
D) Virus infection
Which command can be used to test connectivity to another device on the network?
A) ipconfig
B) ping
C) tracert
D) nslookup
What is a common reason for a printer displaying a 'paper jam' error?
A) Incorrect paper size
B) Low toner
C) Loose network cable
D) Corrupt print driver
Which type of tool can be used to detect and follow cables hidden in walls?
A) Multimeter
B) Tone generator and probe
C) Cable tester
D) Loopback plug
If a computer fails to detect a connected hard drive, which is a likely cause?
A) Incorrect IP address
B) Loose power or data cable
C) Outdated antivirus software
D) Unplugged monitor cable
Which command shows the current IP configuration on a Windows computer?
A) ping
B) ipconfig
C) nslookup
D) netstat
What is a common cause of slow network performance in a wired network?
A) Low ink levels
B) Outdated graphics driver
C) Network congestion
D) Broken fan
Which component should you inspect if a desktop computer is overheating?
A) Hard drive
B) Cooling fan and heat sink
C) Network cable
D) Keyboard

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